Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Mishkan Cox

August 2024

For dedication to learning music. Singing all parts on tags.

Scott Harwood

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Scott Harwood

July 2024

Directorial dedication and hard work.

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to

June 2024

The TVHM Chorus.

For hard work and excellence in presenting the 50th Anniversary Show.

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Fred Harding

April 2024

For diligence in contacting retirement homes to get the word out about our 50th Anniversary show.

Nathan Vertner

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Nathan Vertner

March 2024

For his enthusiasm and continued improvement.


Alex Fieken

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Alex Fieken

February 2024

For excellent directorship and teaching new songs.

Butch Berquist

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Butch Berquist

January 2024

For his years of service as Director and VP of Music and Performance.

Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Mishkan Cox

Barbershopper of the Year for 2023

The 2023 Chuck Olson Barbershopper of the year award was presented to Mishkan Cox for his hard work and enthusiasm for the music and for his willingness to take on new roles.

Adam Christ

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Adam Christ

September 2023

For consistent attendance, participation and enthusiasm. Adam is always willing to join in a tag.

Alex Fieken

Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Alex Fieken

Barbershopper of the Year for 2022

The 2022 Chuck Olson Barbershopper of the year award was presented to Alex Fieken for his excellent skills and leadership as director of TVHM.

Scott Harwood

Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Scott Harwood

Barbershopper of the Year for 2021

The 2021 Chuck Olson Barbershopper of the year award was presented to Scott Harwood for doing so much for TVHM this past year.  Scott did an amazing job the past year and really stepped up his game.  Scott is directing, teaching tags, doing warmups and working with the younger singers.  Plus Scott has been doing an excellent job as secretary.  Congratulations and thank you Scott.

Gary Gale

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Gary Gale

December 2021

For all the support in the operation of the chorus: collecting bottles and cans, securing a new storage location.  And his many years of service as Treasurer.

Alex Fieken

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Alex Fieken

November 2021

For stepping up to direct and pass his musical expertise to the chorus.

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

October 2021

For working hard to secure Christmas singing gigs.  Great Job!

Jim MacMillan

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Jim MacMillan

September 2021

For putting together a fun and exciting Picnic in the Grove.

Chuck Olson

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Chuck Olson

August 2021

For directing TVHM in the Star Spangled Banner at the HOPS games.
And for his continued support of TVHM.

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

July 2021

For excellent service in finding gigs for TVHM.

Scott Harwood

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Scott Harwood

June 2021

For continued excellence as TVHM Secretary.

Butch Berquist

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Butch Berquist

May 2021

For pulling together rehearsals at Roger's Park.

David Dobson II

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to David Dobson II

April 2021

David has been working tirelessly to keep TVHM running during these difficult times.  He has been encouraging each member.  Thank you for your hard work.

Scott Harwood

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Scott Harwood

March 2021

For his work on the "Designed Thinking Project" member survey.
For his awesome meeting notes.

Duane Lundsten

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Duane Lundsten

February 2021

For all his hard work on Singing Valentines.

John Harris

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to John Harris, John Riccardi

January 2021

For their dedication to TVHM and consistent attendence through the year.

Gary Gale

Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Gary Gale

Barbershopper of the Year for 2020

The 2020 Chuck Olson Barbershopper of the year award was presented to Gary Gale for doing so much for TVHM this past year.  Gary did an amazing job producing our virtual chorus videos for us as well as countless other things.  Congratulations and thank you Gary.


Scott Harwood

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Scott Harwood

December 2020

For his outstanding work as secretary throughout 2020.

Butch Berquist

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Butch Berquist

November 2020

For his work in directing and singing songs in the TVHM 2020 Christmas Extravaganza.

Gary Gale

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Gary Gale

October 2020

For producing the TVHM 2020 Christmas Extravaganza.

Chuck Olson

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Bev Olson, Chuck Olson

September 2020

Olson Family for helping Chuck with technology.  Helping Chuck connect for meetings and rehearsals.

Ed Phillips

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Ed Phillips

August 2020

For doing an excellent job as Sunshine Chairman.
Bringing happiness and joy to members through cards and notes.

Gary Gale

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Gary Gale

July 2020

For creating the TVHM Virtual Chorus.

David Dobson II

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to David Dobson II

June 2020

For keeping things together and moving us forward during these trying times.

Duane Lundsten

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Duane Lundsten

May 2020

For providing excellent support during these challenging times by setting up and hosting on-line meetings.  Keeping the website current.

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

April 2020

For stepping up as VP of Marketing and Public Relations.  Searching out new singing opportunities.  Bringing in new ideas.

Scott Harwood

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Scott Harwood

March 2020.

For stepping up and in as TVHM Secretary.  And doing an excellent job out of the gate.

Butch Berquist

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Butch Berquist

February 2020.

For his excellent work in leading the chorus and primary director.

Duane Lundsten

Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Duane Lundsten

Barbershopper of the Year for 2019

For his dedication and commitment to Barbershop.  His work on the TVHM website.  All the things he does to support the chapter and his quartet.

Ed Phillips

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Ed Phillips

January 2020

For his many dedicated years as our President.  Thank you Ed.

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

January 2020.

For his hard work contacting retirement facilities for upcoming shows.

Chris Gabel

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Chris Gabel

August 2019

For his tireless work as our director.  Leading us to sing better.

Jim MacMillan

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Jim MacMillan

May 2019

For his hard work in arranging shows, picnics and campouts.

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

April 2019

For his continued support of TVHM.  And moving to a new part (Tenor).

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Ish Cerpa

March 2019

For his dedication to the music and stepping up to participate.

Scott Harwood

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Scott Harwood

February 2019

For jumping right in learning and singing multiple parts and participating in Singing Valentines even though he is a new member. 

Gary Gale

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Gary Gale

January 2019

For the many things he does in the background. 

Jim MacMillan

Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Jim MacMillan


Jim has tirelessly worked to promote TVHM.  He has chaired shows, set up Barbershop in the Grove, and hosted the  annual campout.  Our thanks to Jim for keeping Barbershop alive in Tualatin Valley.

Dave Rohrer

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Dave Rohrer

BOTM for December 2018

Dave Rohrer for his work setting up all the Christmas gigs and the Parade.

Chris Gabel

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Chris Gabel

October 2018

Ever since he came back he has been working his Magic on the chorus and teaching us new items to make us better singers. 

Jim MacMillan

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Jim MacMillan

September 2018

For his hard work on arranging for both the Campout at the coast, and his planning and M. C. ing Barber Shop in the Grove.

Dave Rohrer

Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Dave Rohrer


His talents in crafting parade floats has made TVHM shine.  He has brought in many new members.  He has helped to set up many singing engagements.

Jim MacMillan

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Jim MacMillan

September / October 2017

Awarded Jim MacMillan the BOTM for September / October for all his work in planning and leading the Guest Night program.  The night was considered a success.

Duane Lundsten

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Duane Lundsten

August 2017

Awarded Duane Lundsten the BOTM for August for his volunteering to work on the website and his eagerness to learn our songs and be a strong part of this chapter.

Ed Phillips

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Ed Phillips

July 2017

Awarded Ed Phillips the BOTM for July for of all the time he has spent working in the evenings and weekends just bringing the “Harmony Hall” up to a more appealing place by painting, placing signs and pictures, hanging the flag and other informative barbershop info on the walls.  Many thanks for all his efforts.

Jim MacMillan

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Jim MacMillan

June 2017

Awarded Jim MacMillan the BOTM for June for all of his work on bringing the idea of Barbershop in the Grove to fruition and all the planning and managing involved in the event.

Chuck Olson

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Chuck Olson

May 2017

Awarded Chuck Olson the BOTM for May for his work as our director.

Dave Osborn

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Dave Osborn

April 2017

Awarded Dave Osborn the BOTM for April for all his work as Assistant Secretary, Assistant Webmaster, and his work helping to renovate Harmony Hall.

Ed explained that the nomination was well deserved because of all the time spent with Don Petersen, Chapter Secretary, learning the ins and outs of the website and assisting in the job of chapter secretary. Dave Rohrer also commented on the time Dave spent working on the renovation of the new “Harmony Hall”, Spackling the cracks and painting.

Butch Berquist
Dave Rohrer

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Butch Berquist, Dave Rohrer

March 2017    

Dave Rohrer and Butch Berquist for their work on organizing and producing the Ballad Town Show.  

The planning was a joint effort, with Dave concentrating on redoing the mailing list and sending out promotional notices and handling ticket sales; Butch concentrating on recruiting performers, programming the show and awards.  Both handled the details of getting volunteers to manage the crowd and performance details.  

Dave additionally has been working on finding a new venue for the chorus, which resulted in working with the Pamplin Media Group to use their upstairs meeting hall, and our subsequent cleaning and refurbishing the hall with new paint for use as our new meeting hall—for a very good price.  

Doug Overbay

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Doug Overbay

February 2017

Awarded Doug Overbay the BOTM for February for all his work as Singing Valentine Coordinator.

Doug prepared the advertising flyers, posted them at many locations, handled telephone orders, purchased the candy and flowers, scheduled the Quartets, and sang in one of the Quartets that delivered the Singing Valentines. Thanks for all your hard work Doug.

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

January 2017    


Awarded Don Petersen the BOTM for January for all his work as Secretary and Webmaster.

Don has been a big help to me (Ed Phillips), and to our chorus, over the years he has been with us.  The website that I am using to announce this award is available because of Don and his hard work.  Yes, your Barbershopper of the Month for January 2017 is Don Petersen, not only for his hard work on our website but for all the work he does on a daily basis as our Secretary.  I have said in the past that Don works so hard he could win this award every month.


As most of you know, Don will not be able to get out in the evening to rehearsal and singing gigs.  He is taking a leave of absence, but he will still be the Webmaster and Secretary.


     Thank you, Don, for all you do for us,


Dave Rohrer

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Dave Rohrer

November/December 2016

Awarded Dave Rohrer the BOTM for November/December.  Dave organized and oversaw the Chorus participation in the Forest Grove Holiday Light Parade.  This included preparing the float and equipment needed for our participation, and creating TVHM Information Flyers that were handed out to people watching the parade.  This event was a great success and has inspired us to do it again next year. 

Good job Dave.


Ron Fairfield

2016 High Attendance Award


Awarded to Ron Fairfield

The High Attendance Award for the previous year is given to members who attend 90% or more of the events they are expected to attend.  In 2015 Ron's attendance was 94% (64 out of 68).

Ed Phillips

2016 Best Attendance Award


Awarded to Ed Phillips

The Best Attendance Award for the previous year is given to the member who has the highest attendance at the events they are expected to attend.  In 2016 Ed's attendance was 95% (77 out of 81).

Ed Phillips

2016 Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Ed Phillips

At the Annual Awards and Officer Installation Banquet held January 14th, 2017 in Hillsboro, OR, Ed Phillips was presented with the 2016 Barbershopper of the Year Award.

Ed is a great guy and an outstanding Barbershopper. I remember the first time I came downstairs at the Elks and met Jim, Chuck and Ed. We all briefly chatted, but as Jim and Chuck wandered off, Ed stayed and talked with me a while longer. He explained about our chorus and the upcoming Dixie show.

Ed has done an excellent job performing the duties of President. Ed has always been willing to help with anything. He is very enthusiastic and promotes the chorus at every opportunity. Ed keeps the business meetings interesting and pumps up morale whenever he can.

Ed, I personally want to thank you for everything you have done for me and for supporting everything I have done, including setting me straight when needed.

On behalf of the Chorus and Board of Directors thank you for your service this past year. We are all behind you 100%.

Ed Phillips the 2016 Barbershopper of the Year.

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

October 2016    

Awarded Don the BOTM for October for his outstanding work as Secretary and Webmaster.  In addition to his duties of taking and publishing minutes at the monthly Board meetings, Don prepares the agenda for the meeting and ensures that we cover the necessary business at each meeting.


In the past year and a half, Don has implemented our new web-based Chorus Management software (HarmonySite).  For additional information about the features of our Chorus Management System click here.


With the HarmonySite member's area, all TVHM information is stored in one centralized location, perfectly organized in a logical, user-friendly manner.  HarmonySite stores the details of all our members, ensembles, teams, events, documents, sheet music, MP3 learning tracks, video clips, photos, attendance, email addresses, mailing lists, meeting minutes, and surveys.


Every member in TVHM has their own private login into our website, and when they log in, they are presented with information tailored to them personally.  All TVHM information is available to them to peruse at their leisure.


HarmonySite includes a complete email package, fully integrated with our website and our member database.  Mailing lists and email addresses are maintained automatically.


The HarmonySite calendar supports a variety of events.  We can specify which events should be featured on our homepage, which events should be visible to the public, and which should be “members only”.  We can track availability and attendance of our members.  


HarmonySite allows us to keep track of everything we could ever need to know about a song.  We can track our music downloads for copyright purposes.  Members can play MP3s directly from the site or download them for later use.


In an effort to better organize historical records of the chapter, Don has scanned important founding documents and all Board Minutes back to January 2010.  These are now readily available to all Chapter members on our website.  By storing them electronically, they are also better protected from natural disaster.


Don has been using HarmonySite’s News and Newsletter features to create a monthly Newsletter for members and a separate Newsletter for TVHM Friends.  


In addition to the HarmonySite automatically maintained mailing lists, Don has used HarmonySite to create the following “external” mailing lists containing over 500 email addresses which can be used to publicize TVHM activities:

  • Alumni (45 email addresses)

  • Friends (63 email addresses)

  • Ballad Town Patrons (400 email addresses)

Ron Fairfield

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Ron Fairfield

September 2016

Awarded Ron Fairfield the BOTM for September.  Ron is a Charter Member of the Tualatin Valley Chapter and he consistently has very high attendance.  Over the past year, Ron’s attendance rate of 97% (69 out of 71 possible events) is 5% higher than the person with the 2nd highest attendance.  In the past 12 months, the 2 events Ron missed were the road cleanup projects in which he was unable to participate due to his physical limitations.  Ron takes rehearsal seriously and often calls attention to areas where we need to improve.  Good job Ron.

David Dobson II

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to David Dobson II

August 2016

Awarded David the BOTM for August for his work organizing our participation in the Oregon International (Hillsboro) Air Show.  We had a team work the Food Booth on Friday night and another team worked the Food Booth on Sunday.  Additionally, David and Butch Berquist worked in the Food Booth on Saturday.  Good job David.

Mel Knight

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Mel Knight

July 2016

Awarded Mel the BOTM for July for the great job he did at several rehearsals teaching us the song "Keep Your Sunny Side Up".


Dave Muralt

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Dave Muralt

May 2016

The person who is awarded the BOTM for May is a person has continued to display a positive attitude with infectious displays of harmony and gregariousness among men and those he loves.  He has, with all his great attributes, been able to bridge the gap that often exists between generations…..he is involved in many activities, all the while suffering from disease that is making him live a life he never wanted.  He has 31 man of notes, doesn't know a stranger and sung in every contest/show/public performance that he possibly could over the years.  He has participated in promoting harmony, not just in the TVHM chorus, but also having sung in several quartets with many of the members of the chorus and the singing Christmas tree for many years.  I am proud to say that for the month of May…….our BOTM is David Muralt.


Chuck Olson

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Chuck Olson

April 2016
Awarded Chuck BOTM for April for his extra work as our interim Director, while we search for a new Chorus Director.

When our Director resigned in February, Chuck stepped in without hesitation to fill the void.  It takes a lot of extra work to be ready to conduct an interesting and productive rehearsal each week,  We thank Chuck for his willingness to help in this way and for the experience and expertise he brings to our weekly rehearsals.

Butch Berquist
Dave Rohrer

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Butch Berquist, Dave Rohrer

March 2016
The Barbershopper of the Month for March is actually 2 members.  Both Butch Berquist and Dave Rohrer worked for the last 365 days to produce this year's Ballad Town contest.  Butch is already working to get next year's (2017) headliner quartet scheduled.  

Butch is also assisting Chuck Olson as Assistant Director, so he has been very busy with our Barbershop chapter lately.

With this award we acknowledge these two gentlemen for their hard work and dedication.  Thank you men!!!

Gregory Bryan

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Gregory Bryan

 February 2016

Awarded Gregory BOTM for February for the enthusiasm and passion he brings to the Chorus.  He is not afraid to use gestures and his animated and expressive singing has earned him a place in the front row of the Chorus.  Gregory was recently asked “what does Barbershop singing mean to you?”  His response included the idea that our Barbershop Chorus is “family”.  He gets it! 

Jim MacMillan

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Jim MacMillan

 January 2016

Awarded Jim the BOTM for January for the great job he did as Master of Ceremonies at the Annual Installation Banquet. 

Mitch Radford

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Mitch Radford

 December 2015

Awarded Mitch the BOTM for December for his enthusiasm and diligence in singing at most of the Christmas Singing gigs. 

David Dobson II

2015 Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to David Dobson II

At the Annual Awards and Officer Installation Banquet held January 9th, 2016 in Hillsboro, OR, David Dobson was given the Barbershopper of the Year Award.  

If you were to ask 50 or even 100 different barbershoppers why they participate in barbershop singing, you’d likely get a variety of different answers... things like "I enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie of fellow members" or "it's great to be part of a 'ringing-a-chord'". Others might mention that they "really enjoy being part of the inner workings of the chorus, helping to guide the goals and directions of their chapter", which in turn can truly enhance the enjoyablity factor for everyone involved. 

Still, others might talk about the pride they feel when singing to a loving couple on Valentine's day, or the unique "feel good moment" that can be shared when blending their voice with others in a tender love ballad for a couple celebrating a Special Anniversary. 

I'm certain there are many who would also mention the special participation events that occur during the year, like sing outs, yard sales, bringing guests & good friends to some of our rehearsals, so that they might become aware of a hobby that's both fulfilling and enjoyable! 

So, why am I mentioning all of the previously stated items? It's simple... someone that routinely incorporates many or most of these things in their barbershop hobby, along with a tenacity for helping wherever and whenever they can, and who also takes a genuine interest in all of their singing buddies, just might end up as TVHM's BARBERSHOPPER-OF-THE-YEAR for 2015, as did our good Brother-In-Harmony... David Dobson

Congratulations David

Ron Fairfield

2015 High Attendance Award


Awarded to Ron Fairfield

The High Attendance Award for the previous year is given to members who attend 90% or more of the events they are expected to attend.  In 2015 Ron's attendance was 91% (72 out of 79).

David Dobson II

2015 Best Attendance Award


Awarded to David Dobson II

The Best Attendance Award for the previous year is given to the member who has the highest attendance at the events they are expected to attend.  In 2015 David's attendance was 97% (93 out of 96).

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

 November 2015

Awarded Don the BOTM for November for his extra effort implementing the new website and organizing Chapter records.

Ed Phillips

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Ed Phillips

 October 2015

Awarded Ed the BOTM for October for his work as Show Chairman for the TVHM Cabaret.

Gary Gale

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Gary Gale

 September 2015

Awarded Gary the BOTM for September for his work helping with the Annual Yard Sale.  Gary was there the entire day, from setup through tear down. 

David Dobson II

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to David Dobson II

August 2015

Awarded David the BOTM for August for his work organizing and running our annual Yard Sale Fund Raiser.  This year we made about $800 with this one day event.

Chuck Olson

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Chuck Olson

 July 2015

Awarded Chuck the BOTM for July for his work leading the Chorus while our Director, Chris Gabel, has been out of town.

Mel Knight
Chuck Olson

Freddie King Memorial Award


Awarded to Mel Knight, Chuck Olson

July 2015

One of the hallmarks of Harmony Explosion has always been to instill the love of singing and camaraderie that this hobby has to offer.  As many of you know, Freddie King was the epitome of this hallmark.  As a school teacher, director, coach, quartet singer, and friend, Freddie gave freely of his time and talents to promote love and harmony to those around him.  He was a leader in music, and a leader of lives, and he continues to inspire us to carry these qualities forward.

In his honor, Harmony Explosion created the Freddie King Memorial Award, for service and dedication to youth around the world.  Recipients of this award have been Russ Young and Nick Papageorge (our head clinicians), Jim Clancy, The Most Happy Fellows, Barry Knott, and the Interstate Rivals.
This year, we are very honored to announce that the 2015 recipients are Mel Knight and Chuck Olson.
Mel Knight taught music in the Lebanon, Oregon public schools from 1959-1985, and has been known in the barbershop community as an elite director, teacher, mentor, coach, performer, and arranger for many years.  He also worked on the Barbershop Harmony Society staff from 1985-1994, where he was the Director of Music Education and Services.
Chuck Olson taught in Forest Grove for 34 years, 22 of those years at Forest Grove High School, and has been known in the barbershop community as an elite entertainer, both with his chorus (The Tualatin Valley Harmony Masters) and his quartet (The Aliens).

Chuck and Mel, you are true role models.  You have given many hours of your time and talents to help others become better musicians, performers, and people, just as Freddie did.  Thank you for all your generosity and support.  You raise us up with your passion and commitment to our youth.

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

 June 2015

Awarded Don the BOTM for June for his work to propose, sell, and implement a new web based Chorus Management System.  The new system replaces our old website and integrates extensive Chorus Management functions, in the Members Only area, with a new, and dynamically updated Public Facing website. 

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Tom Pansino

 May 2015

Awarded Tom the BOTM for May for his extra work and dedication in helping to prepare the Chorus for the Division IV Competition in May.

Miles Dean

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Miles Dean

April 2015

Awarded Miles the BOTM for April for his leadership and enthusiasm in activities of the Chapter.

Butch Berquist

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Butch Berquist

March 2015

Awarded Butch the BOTM for March for his work as Show Chairman for Ballad Town.   

Don Petersen

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Don Petersen

February 2015

Awarded Don the BOTM for February for his work helping to better organize Board meetings.

Dave Rohrer

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Dave Rohrer

January 2015

Congratulations Dave on your BOTM award for all your work related to Ballad Town in January.

Dave Muralt

2014 Barbershopper of the Year


Awarded to Dave Muralt

At the Annual Awards and Officer Installation Banquet in Forest Grove, OR, Dave Muralt was given the Barbershopper of the Year Award. His many accomplishments and activities in the Chapter were listed before his name was announced. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

Joel Jacobson

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Joel Jacobson

December 2014

Congratulations to Joel for receiving the BOTM Award for December 2014.

Seth Scheuerman

Barbershopper of the Month


Awarded to Seth Scheuerman

October 2014

For his dedication and commitment to Barbershop.

Criteria for BOTY

(to be decided soon by the Exec)